Clean installing Windows (10 or 11) from scratch on a PC/Laptop.
Bear in mind the following: You will need a working Windows computer to create the install USB stick (or have access to one). Also, this procedure will WIPE (erase) EVERYTHING on the laptop that you are going to install Windows on. If in ANY doubt, contact me first via the Contact form on the Welcome page.
Windows 10 or 11 Install USB Stick, created on the other Laptop. This is made by downloading and using the appropriate tool on the Microsoft Website:
Windows 10: Download Windows 10 (
Windows 11: Download Windows 11 (
MAKE SURE NO OTHER EXTERNAL HARD DRIVES ARE CONNECTED, JUST THE INSTALL USB. IF THEY ARE, YOU MAY WIPE THEM! LCCD will NOT be liable for any data erased due to following these instructions incorrectly.
Boot the machine from the Memory Stick. (The means of doing this varies; normally by pressing the ‘Esc’ key a few times on startup and choosing the appropriate option, or pressing ‘f9’ or ‘f12’ (sometimes together with the ‘fn’ key) and choosing the memory stick from the list.)
Let the machine boot until the first setup screen appears (the one where you choose the install country and language).
Press ‘Shift’ and ‘f10’ simultaneously (you may need to press ‘fn’ as well if nothing happens). A command prompt ‘window’ will appear.
IMPORTANT: The following instructions differ depending on how many hard drives you have. Also, disks are numbered from 0, not 1 in the following tool.
However many hard drives you have, do NOT wipe the highest numbered drive. You will wipe your install USB Stick and have to start over…!
Type in ‘DISKPART‘ and press Enter. WAIT. A prompt will appear when the tool is ready.
Type in ‘SELECT DISK 0‘ and press Enter.
When the prompt reappears, type in ‘CLEAN‘ and press Enter.
Once this command has been completed, type EXIT to leave DISKPART and EXIT again to close the command window and get back to the setup screen.
Carry on with installing Windows as usual.
If you have any issues (including if you have more than one hard drive fitted in your machine) or need more help don’t hesitate to contact me via the form on the home page.